EAS crisis support for micro and small businesses
The EAS will distribute the €10 million allocated from the national budget to micro and small enterprises and self-employed people negatively affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Separate budgets have been set aside for Ida-Viru County and the Estonian islands, each with €500 000 (the location will be based on the place […]
Salary compensation (summary of the Regulation amending the Regulation of the Government of the Republic No 130 of 17 November 2016 “Employment Programme 2017-2020”).
A wage or salary allowance is paid under an employment contract to a worker whose employer’s activities are substantially disrupted due to exceptional circumstances. Compensation is paid if the employer is in a situation that meets at least two of the three conditions: the employer’s turnover or income in […]
2020 key numbers
VAT law VAT rate 20% (KMS § 15(1)). VAT rate 9% (KMS § 15(2)). VAT rate 0% (KMS § 15(3) and (4)). The tax free threshold is EUR 38 (KMS § 5(2)(2)). The threshold for the obligation to register for VAT is EUR 40 000 (KMS § […]
Prevention of money laundering and terrorism
The purpose of the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (PMLA) is to increase the integrity and transparency of the business environment and, at the same time, to prevent the use of the financial system and the economic space for money laundering and terrorist financing.Accounting firms are among the obligated persons who […]
2019. aasta kalendaarne tööajafond
uu/quarter Public holiday (calendar day) Working days (working hours Mon-Fri) Working hours (Mon-Fri) Working hours (exceptions) January 01 January – New Year (T)* 22 176 February 24 February – Anniversary of the Republic of […]
2019. aasta raamatupidajale
VAT law VAT rate 20% (KMS § 15(1)). VAT rate 9% (KMS § 15(2)). VAT rate 0% (KMS § 15(3) and (4)). The tax free threshold is EUR 38 (KMS § 5(2)(2)). The threshold for the obligation to register for VAT is EUR 40 […]
Changes to family allowances 2019
2019. aastal tõuseb lapsetoetus esimesele lapsele, muutub vanemahüvitise arvestusperiood ja lõpetatakse lapsehooldustasu määramine ning maksmine. Child benefit for first child rises to €60 per month 2019. aastast on lapsetoetus pere esimese ja teise lapse kohta 60 eurot. Kui laps jätkab õpinguid, makstakse toetust selle jooksva õppeaasta lõpuni, millal laps saab 19-aastaseks. Alates […]
Actual beneficiaries
Information on the actual beneficiaries must be provided by 30. by October 2018 in the Business Register. The data can be submitted electronically via the Business Portal of the Trade Register at https://ettevotjaportaal.rik.ee/For instructions on how to submit beneficial ownership data electronically, please see the Business Portal help information. If […]
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FMJ offers its customers the possibility to send and receive e-invoices, FREE OF CHARGE!
Thanks to its good partner and assistant Merit Tarkvara team, FMJ offers all its customers the opportunity to join Omniva e-billing centre for FREE. To join, please contact us.At the same time, you can continue to issue e-invoices to your customers.