Changes to parental benefit

A number of changes to the parental benefit system have already entered into force and will enter into force soon:

– During the payment of parental benefit, it is possible to earn up to half of the maximum amount of parental benefit. In 2018, the upper limit for parental benefit is €3089.55. It is therefore estimated that it is possible to earn an additional €1544 per calendar month in 2018 without reducing the benefit. If more than half of the upper limit for parental benefit is earned, the parental benefit will be reduced proportionately, but the recipient will receive a benefit rate of €470 instead of half of the current rate (date of entry into force: 01.03.2018);

– An allowance for triplets and multiple-parent families of €1,000 per month for one parent until the children reach the age of 18 (entry into force 01.03.2018);

– The period on the basis of which the parental benefit is calculated will be changed, and from now on the parental benefit will be calculated on the basis of the 12 calendar months preceding the pregnancy (date of entry into force 01.09.2019);

– The payment of parental allowance will be discontinued and the corresponding funds will be gradually linked to the parental benefit scheme (entry into force 01.09.2019);

– The father will be able to stay on paternity leave for 30 days instead of the current 10 working days and receive parental benefit for this period. The father’s entitlement to parental benefit is not dependent on his previous employment relationship or the contractual form of his employment, and the father will be able to use the benefit at the same time as the mother or separately (entry into force date 01.07.2020);

– Parental benefit can be suspended and continued at the parent’s request until the child reaches the age of 3 (entry into force 01.07.2020);

These are changes to the whole system of parental leave and parental benefits in Phase I. In the next phase, it is planned to change the principles on maternity leave, adoption leave and parental leave and the way they are paid, and to give parents even more flexibility to combine part-time work and leave.