Taxes 2025

There will be a number of changes to tax laws in the new year.   From 1 January 2025 Corporate tax rate 22/78 instead of the current 20/80. The possibility of paying out profits at a lower tax rate (14%) is also abolished. Individual income tax rate of 22%, instead of the current 20%. The […]

If the accountant is a data entry clerk, it’s a waste of money and brain power.

If the accountant is a data entry clerk, another accountant would have to be hired to do the accounting. But you won’t get a more efficient, high-quality service without moving from paper to digital, says Kaie Moisa, a former accountant who has moved into auditing. Unfortunately, auditors still see how accountants continue to do a […]

We are an accountancy firm recognised by the ERC

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the quality mark“ERK Recognised Accounting Firm” by the Estonian Accountants Association after a thorough internal audit. “ERK Recognised Accounting Firm” is essentially a quality mark that emphasises the professionalism and reliability of a particular accounting service provider. Watch the video to see how FMJ OÜ […]

Kaie and Tiina speaking at the Excellent Business Forum

On 24 May, we held an Excellent Customer Day, where Kai and Tiina had the opportunity to take the stage and talk about how we have achieved an 87% increase in operational efficiency in 5 years. You can watch the presentation here:

Ida-Viru Mentor Club

Ida-Viru Mentor Club is a mentor club for entrepreneurs in Ida-Viru County, organised by the Ida-Viru Entrepreneurship Centre. Kaie traditionally participates in the mentor club for the 5th time, where she conducted a seminar on accounting for start-up entrepreneurs.

Pärnu Financial Conference

Tiina, Piret and Kaie attended the Financial Conference in Pärnu in April. Organised by Äripäev, the Finance Conference has become a traditional event for FMJ. The concise and compact conference provides a lot of new thoughts and fresh ideas. In addition, new acquaintances and exchanges with colleagues are a bonus.

#MorningCoffee with Merit 100% digital

On 23 November, Merit Software and Costpocket organised an interesting webinar on digitalisation. It was a pleasure to share our experiences and thoughts. Kaie and Piret from FMJ were present. If you didn’t see it, look now!

Calculator promoter 2022 II place!

Throughout the year, will share the achievements and best practices of people working in and/or strongly influencing the accounting industry. In cooperation with Excellent Business Solutions, we have selected the most influential accounting professional of the year from the magazine’s cover columns. The jostling for the title of Area Promoter was, as usual, quite […]

FMJ – a genuinely digital accounting firm

The work of accountants has changed a lot in the last few decades. Yes, debits and credits still have to match, but whereas accountants used to spend most of their working day entering invoices, this style of working has been forgotten in progressive accounting firms. “The data entry clerk’s job disappears, the accountant stays,” says. […]