FMJ offers its customers the possibility to send and receive e-invoices, FREE OF CHARGE!
Thanks to its good partner and assistant Merit Tarkvara team, FMJ offers all its customers the opportunity to join Omniva e-billing centre for FREE. To join, please contact us.At the same time, you can continue to issue e-invoices to your customers.
2018. aasta maksud ja muud tähtsad numbrid raamatupidamises
2018. aasta maksud ja muud tähtsad numbrid raamatupidamises Threshold for VAT registration: €40,000 Parental leave (3-6 working days) reimbursed from the national budget €23.62/day Special allowance for the use of an employer’s car 1kw = €1.96 (car less than 5 years old), 1 kw = €1.47 (car more than […]
Reimbursement of sport and health expenses
From 2018, you will be able to reimburse your employees for sports and health expenses. Up to now, you almost couldn’t do this unless it was prescribed by a doctor, and even then it had to be a work-related situation. The government’s aim is a healthier and more active population, and in this […]
Use of a company car for private purposes will change from 01.01.2018.
Up to now, the special allowance was calculated on the basis of the kilometres driven, and it was possible to avoid paying the special allowance tax by paying the costs of using a company car. However, from 2018, this possibility will disappear. The amount of the tax will depend on the power of the […]
Calculation of the minimum income tax threshold in 2018
2018. aastal rakendub uus tulumaksuseadus, nn 500 eurone tulumaksuvabastus. Siiski tuleb silmas pidada, et tulumaksu tasumise suurus sõltub iga isiku kõikidest tuludest (mitte ainult töötasust) ja nende suurustest. Inimesed, kelle aastatulu on kuni 14400 eurot saavad igakuiselt kasutada tulumaksuvabastust 500 eurot. Inimesed, kelle sissetulek on 14401 kuni 25199 saavad ka teatud suuruses tulumaksuvabastust ja kõik […]
FMJ Tartu office on summer wave until the end of July
Although the summer weather is as it is, but it’s certainly getting better, from this Friday, 14 July until the end of July, our Tartu office will be a little more open. This means work will get done, but the office may not be open from 9am to 5pm every day. Therefore, if you […]
FMJ took part in RatRace
For the second year in a row, our lovely women’s team took part in the Jõhvi RatRace, which this year aimed to support underprivileged families in Kohtla-Nõmme. The competition was fun and the excitement was on! The Tartukans also made the journey to Jõhvi and we had a chance to cool off […]
FMJ is now also a Microsoft Dynamics NAV user!
The first 2 months of the year have been so busy that I haven’t had time to lift a finger from the paper. Some annual reports are already in the can, some audits are in the final stages, and we have made some great new client contacts. Really fast, busy and interesting! But the […]
Tax rates 2017. in
Tax rates 2017. in The withholding tax rate is 20%. The tax-free income is €180 per month (a statement from the payee must be submitted for application). The supplementary tax-free income for pensions is €236 per month (applicable only to contributors to pillar I and II pensions). The […]
Christmas greetings!
Good people! Just as the end of the year is a time for taking stock in accounting, we have also taken stock of all our good clients and partners. Christmas is a time to thank you – for your effective cooperation and for asking the right questions. For the challenging tasks and all those debits […]